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Notes 温馨提示:

 This package is only available for singleton pregnency.For multiple pregnancy, every extra will be charged extra 10000RMB. 如有多胎孕妇,每多一胎加收人民币10000元 。

For emergency pregnency(admission after 5PM ),RMB 400 will be added on the package. 17:00后办理入院手续加收400元急诊费。

 The fees involed in dealing with labour complication & abnormalities would be extra charged( Medical consumables amd newborn's special nursing and treatment etc.)


 Special disinfection and isolation fee will be extra charged. 特殊消毒隔离费需额外收取。

If your hospital stay exceeds the package days(whenever before or after delivery), the additional days will be charged separetely.


 The package includes basic medical service for maternity and newborn. No refund or discont for the service sold but unperformed as customer's personal reason.


 If a vaginal delivery transfered to cesarean delivery, extra RMB 15000 will be added on the vaginal package(including but not limited to oxytocin,infusion,induced labour,infusion pump,anesthesia fee).

顺产转剖宫产需补齐剖宫产差价,另收人民币15000元 (包括但不限于催产素,点滴,引产,输液泵,麻醉费等)。

 Price subjected to change, all rights reserved by CD-NCICH8. 成都新世纪妇女儿童医院享有对本套餐的决定和解释权。

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地址:成都武侯区大悦城5楼 电话:028-68098888 邮箱:service@ncich.com.cn 7天24小时全天候: 门诊时间:8:00-18:00 急诊时间:18:00-8:00
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